3 minutes to complete
Eligibility to complete a Time Management Scale typically includes being 18 years of age or older, having the ability to read and understand the scale, and having sufficient cognitive skills to complete self-report questionnaires.
I read selectively, skimming the material until I find what is important, then highlighting it.
I make a list of tasks to accomplish each day.
I keep everything in its proper place.
I prioritize the tasks I have to do according to their importance and urgency.
I concentrate on only one important task at a time, but I do multiple trivial tasks at once.
I make a list of short five- or ten-minute tasks to do.
I divide large projects into smaller, separate stages.
I review my planner each day after I complete my tasks.
I do the most important tasks at my best time during the day.
I have some time during each day when I can work uninterrupted.
I do today what needs to be done. I don’t procrastinate.
I periodically evaluate the use of my time while using my academic calendar.
I set deadlines for myself if they are not provided for me.
I do something productive whenever I am waiting.
I avoid time wasters.
I finish at least one thing every day.
I schedule some time during the day for personal time alone (for planning, meditation, prayer,exercise).
I set goals for the academic year. (Academic, Personal, Spiritual) –Long Term
I set goals for myself each semester. (Academic, Personal, Spiritual…etc.)
I continually try to find little ways to use my time more efficiently.
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Georgina García-Mauriño Author & Designer 4.8 Star Rating Editor's choice 4.9 Star RatingThe Healthy Eating Assessment is a tool used to evaluate an individual's diet and nutrition habits. This assessment can help identify areas for improvement and can provide guidance on how to make healthier eating choices.
The Financial Wellbeing Scale is a tool used to measure a person's overall financial health. It is designed to assess the level of financial wellbeing an individual is experiencing in their current financial situation.
The Time Management Scale is a tool used to measure an individual’s self-reported ability to manage their time effectively. It assesses the individual’s ability to prioritize tasks, plan ahead, and stay organized. The scale consists of items that measure the individual’s attitude toward time management, their control over their time, their ability to plan and execute tasks, and how they manage their time in different contexts.
The MAAS is a 15-item scale designed to assess a core characteristic ofdispositional mindfulness. The scale shows strong psychometric propertiesand has been validated with college, community, and cancer patient samples.
The Coping Self-Efficacy Scale (CSES) is a self-report measure designed to assess an individual's perceived ability to use effective coping strategies.
The SCOFF questionnaire is a screening tool developed in 1999 to help identify adolescents and adults who may be at risk for eating disorders.
Dr. Neff’s Self-Compassion Scale (SCS) is a psychometric measure designed to measure the construct of self-compassion. It is a self-report measure, consisting of 26 items that assess three components of self-compassion: Self-kindness, Common Humanity, and Mindfulness.
The Novaco Anger Scale is a self-reported measure of anger and related emotion developed by psychologist Raymond Novaco. The Novaco Anger Scale is used to assess the frequency, intensity, and duration of angry feelings, as well as the cognitive and physiological responses associated with anger.
The Epworth Sleepiness Scale is widely used in the field of sleep medicine as a subjective measure of a patient's sleepiness.
The goal of the assessment is to identify the underlying cause of the individual's mood disorder and to determine the best treatment approach.
The Procrastination Test helps people identify and overcome their procrastination habits. Take the test today to start your journey to becoming a more productive and successful person.
The Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale was designed to quantify the level of anxiety of patients experiencing anxiety-related symptoms.
The Evaluative Beliefs Scale (EBS) measures negative personal evaluations, a key class of beliefs within cognitive psychotherapy and thought to be closely linked to emotional disturbance.
The Holland Code (RIASEC) refers to both career theory and professional choice based on personality types. It was created by a well-known American scientist, psychologist, John L. Holland.
The Career Anchors method was developed in the mid-1970s by Edgar Schein - a leading organizational psychologist and specialist in corporate culture. It aims to determine the main professional motives, study a person's system of value orientations, their social attitudes to career and work in general.
In 1973, Spencer Rathus proposed his own questionnaire called the Rathus Assertiveness Schedule, or RAS.
The Rational Experiential Inventory (REI) was published by Pacini & Epstein in 1999. The theoretical basis for this questionnaire is Epstein’s theoretical work, known as the Cognitive Experiential Self Theory (CEST). According to this theory, each person to some extent uses two conceptually different thinking styles: a preconscious experiential system (fast intuitive automatic) and a conscious rational system (slower logical)
In the modern world, people are more and more striving to achieve success in all areas of life. According to psychologists, this desire for self-improvement and achieving the ideal can be described as perfectionism. This test is designed to identify your problem with perfection. Through this test, you will gain insight into how perfectionistic tendencies may be impacting your life and relationships.
The UCLA Loneliness Scale is the most widely used technique for diagnosing a person's subjective feelings of loneliness and social isolation.
The Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) was developed in 1982 by Garner, Olmsted, Bohr, and Garfinkel and is by far the most widely used tool for identifying the risk of eating disorders.
In 2006, Ruth A. Baer and colleagues developed this questionnaire to measure the tendency to be mindful in daily life.
The Bipolar Disorder Survey is designed to help individuals better understand their condition and identify potential treatments. The survey covers topics such as symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options. It also includes questions about how the disorder has impacted the individual's life.
An anxiety evaluation form is a form that is used to evaluate a person's level of anxiety. It is a form that is used to help determine if a person has an anxiety disorder and to what extent.
Binge eating disorder (BED) is a type of eating disorder characterized by episodes of binge eating followed by a feeling of guilt or shame. People with BED often eat large amounts of food in a short period of time, even when they are not hungry.
The Attention Deficit Disorder Survey is a tool that can be used to help diagnose attention deficit disorder. It is a self-report measure that asks questions about symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. The survey can be used by parents, teachers, or mental health professionals to help identify individuals who may have attention deficit disorder.
The Eating Disorder Survey is used to help individuals suffering from an eating disorder to better understand their condition and to find effective treatment options. The survey asks questions about the frequency and severity of symptoms, as well as the impact of the disorder on daily life.
Facebook addiction survey is a research survey that aims to study the prevalence of Facebook addiction and its effects on users. The survey will be conducted online and will be open to all Facebook users. The survey will ask questions about the frequency and duration of Facebook use, as well as the perceived effects of Facebook addiction on users' daily lives. The survey will also ask users to rate their level of agreement with a series of statements about Facebook addiction.
Technology addiction survey is a tool that can be used to collect data about people's addiction to technology. It can be used to collect data about the extent of people's addiction, the types of technology they are addicted to, and the impact of technology addiction on their lives.
This survey is designed to help us understand how people use their cellphones and how addicted they are to them. The survey will ask you questions about how often you use your cellphone, what you use it for, and how it affects your life.
The survey is designed to gather information about people's experiences with drug addiction. The survey will ask about your personal experiences with drug addiction, as well as your thoughts on the subject. The survey is anonymous and confidential, and your answers will be used to help researchers better understand drug addiction and its impact on people's lives.
The purpose of this survey is to gather information about people's experiences with alcohol addiction. The survey will ask about your personal experiences with alcohol addiction, as well as your thoughts on the causes, treatments, and consequences of addiction.
Basic Computer Skills Self TestComputers are an intrinsic part of most, if not all, jobs in the modern world. For this reason, most employers require their employees to have basic computer skills. But how do you know if you’ve acquired these skills? This self-assessment is designed to help you determine if you have the basic skills needed for today's increasingly technological workplace.
SAST Sexual Addiction Screening TestThe Sexual Addiction Screening Test (SAST) is intended to assist in the detection of sexually compulsive or "addictive behavior. Established in collaboration with clinics, recovery facilities, private therapists, and community organizations, SAST offers a profile of responses that help to differentiate between addictive and non-addictive behavior.
Chen Internet Addiction ScaleThe Chen Internet Addiction Test was developed by Dr. Chin-Yi Chen, MD, in order to determine internet addiction in students and young people. This tool is free for anyone who are interested in this kind of test!
In this smartphone addiction test, you'll figure if you are addicted or not. Please read all the questions carefully and mark the answer that best suits you. Before choosing an answer, consider how frequently you experience the problems listed above.
Social Media Addiction QuestionnaireSocial media addiction is nothing but a behavioral addiction diagnosed as overuse of social networking sites, an uncontrollable drive to log on to it, and spending more no—daily hours in social media, affecting other aspects of life.
The Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale is a tool used to measure an individual’s level of addiction to social media. It consists of six items that assess an individual’s level of preoccupation, withdrawal, tolerance, and negative consequences associated with social media use.