Say Hello To Music Theory

Hello Music Theory | Learn To Read Music

Brought to you by graduates of the Royal Academy of Music, Hello Music Theory provides digital teaching resources and study materials to help you, your students, or your child study for and pass an ABRSM music theory exam.

We’re completely obsessed with music theory, and our goal is that no one will fail their theory exam.

Popular Music Theory Lessons

We’re publishing free music lessons every week. Check out some of our most popular guides below.

The Circle Of Fifths: A Complete Guide

What Are The Scale Degree Names?

A Guide To Music Intervals

The Different Types Of Rests In Music

Our Music Theory Books

We’ve put together five simple and easy-to-use music theory study guides to help you learn how to read music on your own.

Written in plain, simple-to-understand English with hundreds of examples, our range of guides is guaranteed to help you finally understand music theory.

Grade 1 Study Guide

Grade 2 Study Guide

Grade 3 Study Guide

Grade 4 Study Guide

Grade 5 Study Guide

Study Guides Bundle

Our Music Theory Worksheets

Put into practice everything you’re learning with our PDF music theory worksheets. We’ve put together over 180 pages of worksheets and more than 1800 exercises going in-depth into all the topics that you need to know about to pass your music theory exam.

Grade 1 Worksheet Pack

Grade 2 Worksheet Pack

Grade 3 Worksheet Pack

Grade 4 Worksheet Pack

Grade 5 Worksheet Pack

Circle Of Fifths Worksheet Pack

Music Theory Practice Papers

Want to pass your music theory exam? Then, you need to sit some music theory practice papers before the big day. We’ve put together 25 PDF practice exams based on the last six years of ABRSM past papers to help you prepare and pass the first time.

Our mock exams are available to download instantly, plus they come with all the model answers so you can check where you’re going wrong and get an idea of how to answer them.

Music Theory Video Courses

Everyone learns in a different way. Some prefer to read a book, others prefer in-person teachers, and others like to watch videos. To help those of you who are more visual learners, we’re currently creating a series of music theory video courses teaching you everything you need to know for the ABRSM music theory syllabus.

Each video course is made up of dozens of videos covering exactly what you need to know, explained in a simple and jargon-free way to help you understand and internalize how to read and write music correctly.

Some Of Our Most Recent Posts

Here are some of our most recent posts.

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25 Of The Best Songs About Art And Artists

9 Tips For How To Practice With A Metronome

9 Tips For How To Practice With A Metronome

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10 Famous Examples Of Canons In Music

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Trumpeter Makes Fire Dance With Sound

31 Comforting Songs About Losing Your Mother

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What Age Do People Start Learning An Instrument?

25 Of The Best Movie Soundtracks

25 Of The Best Movie Soundtracks

10 Of The Most Important Skills Or Traits To Have As A Musician

10 Of The Most Important Skills Or Traits To Have As A Musician

About Hello Music Theory

Hello Music Theory is run by a small team of passionate musicians obsessed with making music available to everyone.

Founded in 2014 by Dan Farrant, a graduate of the Royal Academy Of Music, Hello Music Theory now helps over 1,000,000 people every month in over 100 countries worldwide improve their music skills.