The Federal Register (the daily journal of the Federal government) is published every business day by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)'s Office of the Federal Register (OFR).
The Federal Register contains:
The OFR prepares the Federal Register for publication in partnership with the Government Publishing Office (GPO). GPO distributes the Federal Register in paper, on microfiche, and online as PDF files. You can also access our unofficial version of the Federal Register at
Why should I read the Federal Register?
The Federal Register informs citizens of their rights and obligations and provides access to a wide range of Federal benefits and opportunities for funding.
Who uses the Federal Register?
Where is the Federal Register available?
To read or purchase copies of the Federal Register:
How is the Federal Register organized?
Each issue of the Federal Register is organized into four categories:
Documents published in the Federal Register as rules and proposed rules include citations to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) to refer readers to the CFR parts affected. The CFR contains the complete and official text of agency regulations organized into fifty titles covering broad subject areas. The CFR is updated and published once a year in print, fiche and electronic formats.
How do I find the information I need?
The table of contents at the beginning of every Federal Register is organized alphabetically by agency. It lists all documents in the issue, including page spans. On GPO's, tables of contents with links to documents are available for issues published starting January 1, 1994. also allows users to retrieve documents using a variety of different search criteria.
Two monthly publications, available online and in print, provide information on documents that appeared in past issues of the Federal Register:
I'm looking at a document in the Federal Register. What does it mean? Does it apply to me?
How do I contact the agency?
All Rule and Proposed Rule documents, as well as many Notice documents, include the name and phone number of an agency official under "FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:"
You'll also find agency phone numbers and other contact information online:
How can I use the Federal Register to affect Federal rulemaking?
Federal agencies are required to publish notices of proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register to enable citizens to participate in the decision making process of the Government. This notice and comment procedure is simple.
How does NARA use the Federal Register?
Like all agencies, NARA publishes documents in the Federal Register to carry out its statutory responsibilities. These responsibilities include preservation, management and access to Federal and Presidential records. For example, NARA publishes for public comment proposed rules
Taking all comments into consideration, NARA develops final regulations which are published in the Federal Register and then codified in title 36 of the CFR. NARA also publishes notices of agency records schedules for public comment as required by 44 U.S.C. 3303a.
Other documents that NARA publishes in the Federal Register include
Are there copyright restrictions on Federal Register documents?
No, everything that appears in the Federal Register may be reproduced without restriction.
Is Federal Register information available in advance of publication?
Documents are held in confidence until they are filed for public inspection at least one business day before publication in the Federal Register. OFR maintains a List of Documents on Public Inspection which includes a short description of these documents and the date they will appear in the Federal Register.
You may inspect documents on public inspection during business hours at the
Office of the Federal Register
7 G Street, NW
Suite A-734
Washington, DC 20401
We do not provide copies of documents to the public.