I hereb y declare that the inf or mation contained in this Application f or Emplo yment is tr ue and complete to my kno wledge .
I understand that a f alse statement ma y disqualify me from emplo yment, or ma y cause my dismissal f or cause .
I hereb y consent to the collection, use and disclosure of the inf or mation provided in this Application f or Emplo yment f or
the pur poses of v er ifying an y such inf or mation whether to hire me .I hereb y authorize Sears Canada Inc. (“Sears”) and/or a firm retained by Sears to use and/or disclose the inf or mation
mentioned in this Application f or Emplo yment f or the pur poses of v erifying any such inf or mation,
I hereb y authorize Sears and/or a firm retained b y Sears to collect my personal inf or mation and/or conduct an y
in v estigation rele v ant to m y application f or emplo yment f or the purposes of Sears’ deter mination with respect to m y
application f or emplo yment.I ac knowledge and consent to this in v estigation being carr ied out b y telephone or in wr iting with others at educational
institutions , f or mer emplo y ers, or m y current emplo y er , who are all hereb y author iz ed to disclose the inf or mation to Sears .