Teaching Today A Practical Guide Fourth Edition - Softcover

9781408504154: <a href=Teaching Today A Practical Guide Fourth Edition" />

The fourth edition of this impressive text has been updated to become more focused on the UK�€™s Post Graduate Certificate in Education. In particular, it now includes signposting for coverage of the UK's Further Education National Training Organization standards and further coverage of key areas, such as Interactive Whiteboard training. Providing full coverage for the City and Guilds (teaching qualification) 7407, 7302, and Cert Ed courses in the UK, the approach is practical and user friendly. The unique style of the previous editions is retained, ensuring the author's enthusiasm, humor, and insight are shared with tutors and students. As in the previous edition, the focus remains on practical strategies that can be implemented in the classroom. This new edition now features completely new sections including: assessing learner's needs, the monitoring and support of learners, the teacher as a professional, the teacher as a reflective practitioner, learning styles, dyslexia, and differentiation. In addition, all of the existing chapters have been revised in response to developments in the areas of: the use of information and learning, learning theories and principles, and formative assessment.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.


This book was definitely a revelation. Fantastically planned and very easy to read, it has been a definite staple of my reference diet since the start of the academic year. It provides handy tips and ideas on dealing with students and looks at the psychology behind the whole event without once sounding patronising or condescending in any way. If you are new to education - especially further education which has a dearth of resources - this is invaluable. If you buy no other book for your educational career, you need to buy this! Amazon Product Review 2011

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.